A new, no-management roof greening system with improved insulation and soundproofing effects by inducing natural death of weeds by creating a simple and ultra-thin planting base on the roof.
Roof greening effect
Rooftop Greening Infrared Temperature Measurement

Non-green Roof surface temperature: 40-50˚ or more

Green Roof surface temperature: 25-30˚ or less
Environmental effect
- Improvement of urban environment such as air quality improvement
- Relief of urban heat island phenomenon - Green roof can reduce city temperature by 5℃
- Reduced noise in the city center
- Urban flood prevention - 200~300ℓ of rainwater storage per 100m2
Economic effect
- Saving heating and cooling costs through insulation effect of buildings - 16.6% reduction in heating and cooling energy through roof greening
- Protects buildings from acid rain and UV rays - Extends the life expectancy of the roof waterproofing layer to more than 40 years
* Data : 和歌山大学ツステム工学部 環慶ツステム工学科 助敎授 山田宏之